Call for Workshops

Submission Overview

Submissions should contribute to and advance the field of diagnostic quality and be relevant to SIDM's Strategic Priorities. The SIDM2024 conference in Atlanta, The Future of Diagnosis, includes a patient perspective, and we are especially interested in innovative, patient-centered workshops that are co-developed and delivered with patients and patient advocates.

All accepted presenters will be required to register for SIDM's The Future of Diagnosis conference in Atlanta, October 12-15, 2024; registration fees, hotel and travel expenses, and any other expenses are the sole responsibility of the presenter.

Thank you for your interest and your submission!

Workshops will be 90 minutes, CME accredited, and focus on some aspect of diagnostic error or the diagnostic process. They must be highly interactive and provide participants with actionable knowledge or key takeaways. A maximum of four (4) presenters per workshop are allowed.

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made in late-April 2024.

Choose from the list of tracks that your workshop best fits into:

  • Equity: Topics related to inequitable variations in diagnostic outcomes and processes among diverse and/or disadvantaged populations.
  • Patient Safety: Topics related to patient harm during the diagnostic process due to wrong, delayed, and missed diagnoses, and/or harm related to overdiagnosis.
  • Technology/AI: Topics related to innovative uses of technology and computer systems in solving complex problems improving diagnosis.
     NOTE: Manufacturers and/or vendors may not apply to or sponsor this category.
  • Education: Topics related to educational strategies to improve diagnosis; evaluations of novel educational programs are especially welcomed.
  • Patient Partnership and Activation: Topics related to patient and family partnership, engagement, activism throughout the diagnostic process.


Workshop Guidelines

  • The workshop should contribute to and advance the field of diagnostic quality and safety. It should address an area or issue in diagnosis that has a demonstrated impact on patient safety and quality of care.
  • Workshop length is 90 minutes.
  • Workshops should be interactive and include a combination of presentation and discussion, providing participants with actionable knowledge and/or key take-aways.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to engage patients and family members in the development and/or presentation of the workshop. If you would like ideas on how you can engage patients and family members in the process, please refer to this brief overview and this FAQ document. SIDM staff can help identify patient partners, if needed.
  • Up to four (4) presenters are allowed per submission (1 primary presenter plus 3 co-presenters). This should include any patient presenters. All presenters are expected to register for the conference and pay for their own conference registration, hotel and travel expenses, and any other expenses. Conference support may be available for patient or family member presenters, if needed, on a limited basis.


Workshop Criteria

The Call for Workshops is a peer-reviewed competition. Submissions will be scored using the following criteria: 

  • Is the workshop directly related to diagnostic safety and/or quality?
  • Does the content of this workshop address a demonstrated area of need to improve survival and outcomes of patients? (versus cost, efficiency, etc.)
  • Will the content be interesting and relevant to SIDM's audience? It should be new and innovative within the field.
  • Is the session interactive?
  • Does the presenter(s) have the appropriate expertise needed to meet session objectives?
  • Does the session provide a solution or an action that others can replicate or build on?  Were the key take-aways well-described?
  • Were patients and/or family members engaged in the development of the project or initiative that is being presented and/or will they serve as co-presenters?

Additional Questions?

Contact SIDM at

Ready to submit your workshop proposal but don't have a SIDM2024 conference account?

Note: your conference account is separate from any SIDM account you may already have. 

If you haven't created an account here yet, please do so.


Already have a SIDM2024 conference account?


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